IADSA Annual General Meeting - Video Call
Miércoles, 26 Mayo 2021, 13:00
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Informamos de la reunión anual de la Asamblea General de IADSA (International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement Associations) a celebrar por Video Call, con el siguiente orden del Día:

Wednesday 26 May 2021, from 13:00
Location: Video call
  • Virtual meeting room open from 12:30 BST, London time
  • Welcome and Introduction (13:00 BST)
  1. Composition of the meeting and procedures
  2. Report of the Board
  • 2020: A Year to Remember
  • IADSA Grant
  • 2021 Announcement
AGM Administrative Session
Introduction of the proposed resolutions

The following resolution will be proposed as a special resolution, requiring at least 75% consent:

  1. Adoption of the draft revised Articles of Association

The following resolution will be proposed as an ordinary resolution, requiring at least 66.6% consent:

  1. Adoption of the draft revised Internal Rules 

The following resolutions will be proposed as ordinary resolutions, requiring majority consent:

  1. Adoption of the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting
  2. Recommendation for approval of 2020 annual accounts
  3. Approval of 2021 budget

Voting on each resolution will be conducted by way of online poll. [The meeting will be paused to allow time for members to vote immediately after the resolutions are introduced]. Attendees will be distributed instructions and links to the online poll following their registration. Those holding proxies will be given specific instructions as to how to exercise those proxy votes.

Closure of Annual Meeting
Localización Video Call